Privacy Rights Reports

Please use this form to request more information related to your privacy rights on Threads.
If you need help logging into your Instagram account, please visit this Help Center article.

If your Instagram account is disabled, you can learn more about why your profile may have been disabled, and what you can do if you think it was disabled by mistake, by visiting this Help Center article.

If you think your Instagram account was hacked, you can learn how to secure it by visiting this Help Center article.
To learn more on how to report photos and videos that violate your privacy, please visit this Help Center article.

To fill in a report, please use this form.
To learn more about the information Threads collects and from what sources, please read the Threads Supplemental Privacy Policy and the Meta Privacy Policy.
To learn more about how Threads uses the information it collects, please read the Threads Supplemental Privacy Policy and the Meta Privacy Policy.
To learn more about how Threads shares the information it collects, please read the Threads Supplemental Privacy Policy and the Meta Privacy Policy.
Access Your Data

As Threads is an app from Instagram, you can access your Threads information using our self-service tools on Instagram. To learn how to review your data on Instagram, please visit this Help Center article.

To view your account information in the Threads app, click on the profile icon in the bottom right to find some information, including your bio, links and profile picture. To view your activity on the Threads app, tap the 'heart' icon at the bottom where you'll see a list of activities including who liked or replied to your threads. For any additional information, you can go to your Instagram account.

If you would like to learn more about how your Instagram data is used on Threads, please visit this Help Center article.

If you would like to understand more about the information we collect and how it is processed, please read the Threads Supplemental Privacy Policy and the Meta Privacy Policy.
Download Your Information

As Threads is an app from Instagram, you can download a copy of information you've provided to us using the Data Download tool.
Delete Your Information

If you would like to delete a thread you have posted, you may do so by following the steps in this Help Center article.

If you have turned on sharing to the fediverse on Threads, your Threads profile and content you post on Threads may have been shared with users on other servers not controlled or moderated by Meta.

If you request deletion (e.g. by deleting a post, your profile, or turning off sharing to the fediverse), we will request that other servers delete the post. We cannot guarantee that they will delete your post and it may remain publicly visible despite your decision to delete it.

If you would like to deactivate your Threads profile or want to learn more about what happens to your Instagram account if you deactivate your Threads profile, please visit this Help Center article.

Finally, you may delete your Threads profile at any time. To learn more about how you can delete your information, please visit this Help Center article. You can learn more about what happens to your Instagram account if you delete your Threads profile here.

Edit your information

You can edit your profile on Threads at any time, and you can edit posts for five minutes after posting them. To learn more editing your posts, please visit this Help Center article.

To update other things like your username and personal information, edit your profile on Instagram.