Remix a video on Instagram
Remixing photos is not available to everyone at this time.
Remix lets anyone create a reel that includes someone else's video or photo. They can also download the video or photo as part of their remix.
Remix a reel
  1. Tap more actions at the bottom of the reel you want to remix.
  2. Tap Remix, then tap record at the top.
  3. By default, the original reel will be the background of your reel. Tap layout Layout on the left to select a different layout to change where the original video appears.
  4. Record your reel.
Learn how others can create a remix of your reels and how to change those settings.
Remix a post
  1. Tap more actions at the top of the post you want to remix.
  2. Tap Remix. The original post will appear on the left while you record your video.
  3. Record your reel.
Note that when you remix a feed video, your remix will become a reel. You won’t be able to remix feed videos shared before remixing was available.
When you share a remix, it’ll show your Instagram username and Remix with [original creator’s username] at the bottom. Anyone on Instagram can tap Remix with [original creator’s username] to watch the original video and create their own remix.
Note that you can mix the audio and add voiceovers to your remix. You can also add stickers and text to the original video and the new reel you record. You can remix your own reel, but you can’t remix a video that’s already a remix or videos that the creator doesn’t allow remixes on. Learn more about managing your reels remix settings.
Can you change the audio and add effects to your remix
Changing the audio and adding effects depends on how you chose to remix a reel:
  • With original video: You can mix the audio and add voiceovers to your remix. You can also add stickers and text to both the original video and the new reel you record.
  • After original video: You can’t change the audio on the original reel or mix the audio. You can record audio with your camera for your clip, add voiceovers to the remix and adjust the volume of all audio together. You can also add stickers and text to the original reel and the clip that you record, but you can only apply effects to your clip.
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