Why you should not use apps that offer likes and followers on Instagram and Threads
You shouldn’t use apps that offer likes and followers. Some non-Instagram apps offer likes or followers in exchange for your Instagram login details. None of these services are affiliated with or endorsed by Instagram, and you shouldn’t use these apps or let anyone else access your Instagram account.
If you give these apps your login information, whether with an access token or by giving them your username and password, they can gain complete access to your account. They can see your personal messages, find information about your friends, and potentially post spam or other harmful content on your profile. This puts your security, and the security of your friends, at risk.
Keep in mind that accounts that generate inauthentic activity are also against our Community Guidelines. If it looks like you've shared your login details with one of these apps, we may remove any likes or other engagement that they generated. Accounts that continue to use non-Instagram apps to get more followers may notice that certain parts of their Instagram account or Threads profile are limited. If you use one of these apps to gain likes or followers, your account may be disabled or terminated.
If you've shared your username and password with one of these apps, you should change your Instagram password to protect your account. If however, you think your account has been hacked or taken over, there are several actions you may be able to take to secure your account. Learn more about what to do if you think your account has been hacked. You can also manage the privacy settings for apps you’ve connected to on Instagram or on Threads and remove them at any time.
Learn more about how to keep your Instagram account or Threads profile secure.
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