Run ads with product tags and checkout
Beginning on April 24, 2024, existing shops in the US without the checkout method On Facebook and Instagram enabled will no longer be supported. Learn more.
Checkout is available to all eligible business and creator accounts in the US.
Ads with product tags allow you to maximize the reach of your products by running existing shoppable posts as ads in Meta Ads Manager and Instagram or creating new ads with product tags in Meta Ads Manager. Shoppers that tap on the product tags are taken to a product details page within Instagram.
Advertisers that use checkout on Instagram allow shoppers to proceed from the product details page to purchase the product directly in the Instagram app. If you don’t use checkout on Instagram, shoppers can proceed from the product details page within Instagram to purchase the product from your business’ mobile website.
Before you begin
You must be an approved business that uses checkout on Instagram to run ads with product tags and checkout.
Run ads with product tags and checkout
To run an ad with product tags and checkout from Meta Ads Manager:
  1. Create your ad in Meta Ads Manager. At the Ad Level, you can use an existing post or create a new ad and add product tags.
  2. Toggle on Checkout to enable your ad with product tags and checkout.
  3. Finish the details for your ad and select Continue.
You’ve now set up an ad with product tags and checkout. You can track the performance of your campaign the same way you’d measure other campaigns.
On Meta Ads Manager, you can see metrics for Content Views (product details page views), Add to Cart, Initiate Checkout,Purchases, and Purchase ROAS generated from ads. The metrics will be split out by those that occur “On Facebook” (via checkout) and those that occur “on Website” (for example, after a user sees your ad, they navigate to the website and purchase within the attribution window).
Note: You can also run ads with checkout-enabled product tags from your existing Instagram posts. Learn how to run an existing shoppable post as an ad with product tags.
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