Turn on sharing to the fediverse on Threads
Note: Sharing to the fediverse is only available for Threads users who:
When you turn on sharing to the fediverse on Threads, your Threads profile and content you post on Threads will be shared with users on other servers in the fediverse.
These users, from their servers, can search for and follow your profile, view your posts, interact with your content, and share your content to anyone on or off their server. Keep in mind that while users on other servers will be able to search for and follow your profile, you won’t be able to see who follows you from other servers. Your followers list in Threads will only show users that follow you on Threads, and your follower count – on both Threads and other servers – will only include users that follow you on Threads.
You’ll be able to see the number of users on other servers who liked your post on Threads, but for other interactions (examples: who liked your content on other servers, replies from users on other servers), you’ll currently need to visit those other servers to see those interactions.
Turn on sharing to the fediverse
Threads app for Android and iPhone
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings in the top right.
  3. Tap Account, then tap Fediverse sharing.
  4. Follow the onscreen prompts to learn more about sharing to the fediverse.
  5. Once you’ve reviewed the information, tap Turn on sharing at the bottom.
When sharing to the fediverse is on, threads.net will appear in the top left of your profile. To view your fediverse username and confirm you’re sharing to the fediverse, tap threads.net. You can also tap threads.net in the top left of another user’s Threads profile to find the same information.
After you turn on sharing to the fediverse, future posts will automatically be shared with other servers. Posts that are shared to the fediverse may not be shared to all servers because of restrictions that we impose on other servers and restrictions they may impose on us as they relate to moderation policies and federation rules.
Your posts also won’t be shared to other servers if they contain attachments that aren’t supported or you’ve limited who can reply to them. As you’re drafting a post on Threads, a message will appear at the top to notify you when the post you’re drafting won’t be shared to other servers. Learn more about how to post on Threads.
Your replies to a post you see on Threads will also be shared to other servers if the post’s author has also turned on sharing to the fediverse. Similarly, if another user who has turned on sharing to the fediverse reposts one of your posts, your post will be shared to other servers.
Posts that are shared to other servers include fediverse in the top right when others tap to view them in Threads. Keep in mind that posts shared to other servers are also subject to the terms and policies of those servers.
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