Log into Instagram
When you're logging into an account, you have to use the username and password for the account you're logging into. If that info isn't working, then you can try to recover your account.
If you're creating an Instagram account or logging in to an existing account, then you'll start at the login screen.
What can you do on the login screen
You can do 3 things on the login screen:
Learn more about what to do if you're having trouble logging in.
Log into Instagram using your Facebook login information
You can log into your Instagram account using your Facebook login info, as long as your Facebook and Instagram accounts are added to the same Accounts Center, and allowed to log in to each other.
For example, from your Instagram login screen, you can enter the phone number or email and your password associated with your Facebook account to log in to your Instagram account.
Note: If you have two-factor authentication enabled on your Facebook or Instagram account, you won’t be able to use your Instagram login information to log into Facebook on an unrecognized device.
Saved accounts on your login screen
You may see multiple accounts you have across Meta apps (for example, Facebook), that you can use to log in. The accounts you see as available to log into may appear for one or more of the following reasons:
  1. The account was recently logged into on the same device.
  2. You have multiple accounts added to the same Accounts Center, and allowed to log in to each other.
  3. You use an Android phone and you’re logged into a Google account that is associated with any Facebook or Instagram accounts you have.
Logging in with a saved account allows you to log in easily with one tap, instead of entering your email or mobile phone number and password. In some cases, you may still need to enter your password. You can remove saved accounts that appear on the login screen at any time.
To remove an account from the login screen on your phone:
  1. Go to the login screen on the Instagram app.
  2. Tap settings on the top right of the screen.
  3. Tap [Your Name].
  4. Tap Remove profile.
You may be asked to save your login info. If you choose to save your login information, you won’t need to enter it the next time you log back into your account.

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