Report a message or chat on Instagram
You can report abusive photos, videos and messages that are sent to you on Instagram if you think they go against our Community Guidelines.
Report a message
To report a message on Instagram:
  1. Open the conversation in the Instagram app.
  2. Tap and hold the individual message you'd like to report.
  3. Tap Report.
  4. Select a reason for why you're reporting the message then follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Tap Submit Report.
If you'd like to report a post from feed that was sent to you in a message, you can tap the post and report it. If you want to stop someone from sending you messages or message requests, you can block that person or report their profile.
Report a conversation
If you have a conversation with one other person, you can report the entire chat you have with them. Note: You cannot report entire group chats, only messages, photos, videos and people in the group chat.
To report a chat with someone:
  1. Open the conversation in the Instagram app.
  2. Tap in the top right.
  3. Tap Report.... Note: You will not see this option in a group chat.
  4. Select a reason for why you're reporting the message, then follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Tap Submit Report.
Keep in mind
  • Instagram reviews up to 30 of the most recent messages sent in reported conversations.
  • Your report is anonymous, except if you’re reporting an intellectual property infringement. The account you reported won’t see who reported them.
  • Deleted, unsent or edited messages could be included in a report if the entire chat or a surrounding message is reported.
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