Report an Impersonation Account on Instagram or Threads

If someone created an Instagram or Threads account that's pretending to be you or someone you know, please use this form to file a report.
Please only report one impersonating account at a time. To report another account, please submit another report.
Please confirm your identity by attaching a picture or pictures of your ID(s). Before uploading these documents, learn about the types of ID Instagram accepts.
We may encrypt and store your ID for up to one year to improve our automated systems for detecting fake IDs. We might use trustedservice providers to help review your information. Your ID will be stored securely and will not be visible to anyone on Instagram.
Visit the Help Center to learn more about what happens to your ID after you send it to us.
Note: If you're having trouble uploading files from your phone, please visit the Instagram Help Center and complete this form from a computer.
We can only act on reports from the person who's being impersonated or their authorized representative (ex: parent, legal guardian). Please ask the person being impersonated or their representative to file a report.
If you're not able to reset your password using your email address, phone number or Facebook account, you may be able to get additional help through the app:
  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device
  2. On the login screen, tap Get help signing in below Log In
  3. For more options:
    • On Android:
      1. Tap Use Username or Email, then enter your username or email
      2. Tap in the top right
      3. Tap Need more help? then follow the on-screen instructions
    • On iOS:
      1. Enter your username or email
      2. Tap Need more help? below Send Login Link, then follow the on-screen instructions