Edit the alternative text of your post on Threads
Automatic alt text uses object recognition technology to provide a visual description of photos and videos for people with visual impairments. You can replace this text to provide a better description of a post that includes a photo or video. Keep in mind that this description will only be read if someone is using a screen reader to access Threads.
Edit alt text for a post
To see and edit alt text for a photo or video before you post it on Threads:
Threads app for Android and iPhone
  1. When starting a new thread, tap gallery and select up to 10 items you want to attach. Tap Done (Android) or Add (iPhone) in the top right.
  2. Tap Alt at the bottom of an attached photo or video.
  3. Enter your alt text, then tap Done in the top right.
Learn how to manage alt text settings for posts you see on Threads.
English (US)
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