Report intellectual property infringement on Threads
If someone uses your copyright or trademark without permission, you can report their profile or post on Threads.
Threads app for Android and iPhone
  1. Tap more in the top right of the profile or on the thread.
  2. Tap Report and follow the on-screen instructions.
If you believe content on Threads is infringing your copyright, you can also take one or more of the following actions:
  • You can report it to us by filling out this form.
  • You can contact our designated agent under the notice and counter-notice procedures of the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). If you contact our DMCA designated agent, please be sure to include a complete copyright claim in your report.

Threads Designated Agent
Meta Platforms, Inc.
1 Meta Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: 1 (650) 543-4800

Please note:
  • Only the copyright owner or their authorized representative may file a report of copyright infringement. If you believe something on Threads infringes someone else’s copyright, you may want to let the rights owner know.
  • We regularly provide the rights owner’s name, your email and the details of your report to the person who posted the content you are reporting. In the case that you are an authorized representative submitting a report, we provide the name of the organization or client that owns the right in question. For this reason, you may wish to provide a valid generic business or professional email.
  • In accordance with the DMCA and our policies, if you repeatedly post content that infringes someone else’s intellectual property rights, your profile may be removed under Threads’ repeat infringer policy.
Learn more about exceptions to copyright.
If you’ve submitted a trademark report to us through our online form or via email to the Threads Designated Agent, you’ll receive an automated email that contains information about your report, including a unique report number. You should save this number in case you need to contact us about your report.
Sometimes, we might respond to your report and ask for more information. If you receive an email from our team you should respond directly to that email. Once our team receives your response, they can continue to look into your report.
Please note that we regularly provide the person who posted the content with the following information about your report:
  • Report number
  • Rights owner's name
  • Email address provided by the reporting party
  • Details of the report
  • Instructions on how to submit an appeal
The person whose content was removed may contact you with the information you provide. For this reason, you may want to provide a valid generic business or professional email address in your report.
Learn more about copyright and trademark.
English (US)
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