Hide comments or message requests you don’t want to see on Instagram
There are a few ways you can hide potentially offensive comments and message requests you don’t want to see on Instagram.
Content that doesn’t go against our Community Guidelines, but may be inappropriate, disrespectful, or offensive (example: racial slurs, curse words or scams) can be hidden using the Hidden Words setting. You can also create a custom list of words, phrases, numbers and emojis you want to hide.
Keep in mind that hidden comments are still included in your total comment count and when a comment or message is hidden, the person who sent it won’t know.
Automatically hide offensive words or phrases
You can choose to automatically hide comments and message requests you don’t want to see by turning on the following settings:
  • Automatically hide comments: Comments with common offensive words, phrases or emojis are filtered out or hidden automatically. This setting is on by default, but you can change it any time.
  • Advanced comment filtering: Filter out even more comments that may be spam, or may contain offensive words or phrases. Comments from people you follow and who follow you will not be hidden. This setting is off by default, but you can change it at any time.
  • Hide message requests: Message requests that may contain scams or offensive words, phrases or emojis will appear in your hidden requests folder. This setting is off by default, but you can change it any time. Note: Instagram cannot see your messages unless you report them.
To turn on automatic comment or message filtering
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap How others can interact with you.
  4. Below Offensive words and phrases, you can:
    • Tap switch on next to Hide comments to turn it off.
    • Tap switch off next to Advanced comment filtering to turn it on.
    • Tap switch off next to Hide message requests to turn it on.
Keep in mind that you can only manage the hidden message requests setting from the Instagram app for Android and iPhone. Learn more about hiding message requests.
Manage custom words and phrases
You can also add words, phrases, numbers or emojis that you don’t want to see in comments and message requests to your list of Custom words and phrases. These will be hidden from comments in posts you share, message requests, or both. You can edit this list at any time.
To manage your custom word list:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap How others can interact with you.
  4. Tap Manage comment settings below Comments.
  5. Enter specific words, phrases, numbers or emojis you want to hide in the text box. Tap Submit to save the list. Note: Separate each entry by a comma.
Manually hide comments on your posts
To manually hide or unhide comments on your posts
To manually hide a comment on your post:
  1. Log into your Instagram account using a mobile app on an iOS or Android device.
  2. Go to the comment you want to hide and tap Hide under the comment.
Please note: You can only manually hide comments under your own posts. When you manually hide comments, they are only visible to you and the person who made the comment. Other people won’t be able to see the comment after it’s been hidden and the commenter won’t be able to see that it’s been hidden.
To manually unhide a comment on your post:
  1. Log into your Instagram account using a mobile app on an iOS or Android device.
  2. Go to the post where the comment is hidden. At the bottom of the comment section, tap View hidden comments.
  3. Tap Unhide under the comment you wish to unhide.
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