Set up teen supervision on Instagram
Setting up supervision on Instagram requires both a teen and their parent. First, a teen or their parent sends an invite for supervision. Then, the invite must be accepted for supervision to start. If a teen sends the invite, they must then confirm the parent who accepted the invite is the correct person to supervise their account. Keep in mind, only one parent can be supervising a teen’s account.
To be supervised, teens must be 13-17, and the parent must be over 18 years old. Both teens and parents must have or create an Instagram account to accept the supervision invitation.
Learn more about parent and teen eligibility.
Note: Supervision features require the latest version of the Instagram app for iPhone and Android. The teen must update the Instagram app. The parent must either update the Instagram app, or visit using a desktop or mobile browser. If some features of supervision aren't working appropriately, update the Instagram app.
Sending invites
Teens or parents can send invites for supervision. Parents who want to supervise more than one teen can send the same invite to each teen they want to supervise.
Keep in mind, invites expire 48 hours from the time they are first created. If the invite has expired, follow the steps to create a new invite again.
For Teens
To send an invite as a teen:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap Supervision.
  4. Review the information on screen, then tap Next.
  5. Tap Create invite.
  6. Tap the invite link to copy it to your clipboard, then paste it into your chosen app to share with your parent.
For Parents
To send an invite as a parent:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap Supervision.
  4. Tap Create invite on the right.
  5. Review the information on screen, then tap Continue.
  6. Select the app you want to use to send the invite. You can also tap the link to copy it to your clipboard, then paste it into your chosen app.
Resending invites
You can resend an invite if it has been less than 48 hours since you first sent the invite. If it’s been more than 48 hours, create a new invite with the steps above.
For Teens
To resend an invite as a teen:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap Supervision.
  4. Tap Resend invite.
  5. Tap the invite link to copy it to your clipboard, then paste it into your chosen app to share with your parent.
For Parents
To resend an invite as a parent:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap Supervision.
  4. Under Accounts, tap Waiting for response.
  5. Tap the invite link to copy it.
  6. Paste the link into your chosen app and send it to your teen.
Canceling invites
If you no longer want to set up supervision, or need to make changes, you can cancel your invite. Keep in mind, invites will expire after 48 hours.
For Teens
To cancel your invite after sending one as a teen:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap Supervision.
  4. Tap Cancel invite.
  5. Tap Cancel invite.
For Parents
To cancel your invite after sending one as a parent:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap Supervision.
  4. Under Accounts, tap Waiting for response.
  5. Tap Cancel invite.
  6. Tap Cancel invite.
Accepting invites
You can accept or decline a supervision invite. Supervision will start based on who sent the invite. If a parent sends their teen an invite, supervision will start after the invite is accepted. If a teen sends their parent an invite, supervision will start after the parent accepts the invite and the teen confirms the parent who accepted as the correct person to supervise their account.
For Teens
To accept your parent’s invite:
  1. Open the app or service where you received the invite link. Tap on the link.
  2. Tap Next.
  3. Tap Allow.
For Parents
To accept your teen’s invite:
  1. Open the app or service where you received the invite link. Tap on the link.
  2. Tap Next.
  3. Tap Accept invite.
Note: After you accept your teen’s supervision invitation, your teen will need to confirm you’re the correct person before the supervision begins.
Once you accept a supervision invitation, the person who invited you will get a notification.
Declining invites
For Teens
To decline your parent’s invite:
  1. Open the app or service where you received the invite link. Tap on the link.
  2. Tap Next.
  3. Tap Decline.
For Parents
To decline your teen’s invite:
  1. Open the app or service where you received the invite link. Tap on the link.
  2. Tap Next.
  3. Tap Decline invite.
The person who invited you will get a notification that you declined their supervision invite.
Confirming a parent
If a teen invites their parent to supervise their account, once the parent accepts the invite, the teen must confirm that it’s the correct parent. Only teens need to confirm parents, if a parent invites their teen, supervision begins once the invite’s accepted.
For Teens
To confirm your parent:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap Supervision.
  4. Tap Allow.
Supervision and multiple accounts or people
A parent can only supervise their teen’s account from one account, even if the parent has multiple Instagram accounts. If you have multiple Instagram accounts, make sure you are logged into your preferred account when you open the invite link. You can log in and reopen the link if needed.
A parent can supervise more than one teen account, but they can only send one active invite link at a time. For security purposes, Instagram may limit the number of teen accounts that a parent account can supervise at any given time.
If a teen sends a supervision invite, they'll need to confirm the person who accepts as the correct person to supervise their account. If they send supervision invites to more than one person, the first person to accept will be the person the teen can confirm. The teen can choose to confirm or deny that person, or to resend invitations.
If a teen has multiple Instagram accounts, they will need to set up or accept supervision from each account separately if they want their parent to supervise all of their accounts.
Blocked accounts
You can’t invite someone to supervise you if you have blocked them on Instagram. Learn how to unblock someone.
You can’t block your parent or teen’s account while using supervision with them. If you want to block them, you’ll need to remove supervision first.
Parents and teens will get notifications in Activity on Instagram about supervision activity. If a parent or teen has turned on push notifications for Instagram, they may get push notifications as well.
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