About shopping in Reels on Instagram
Beginning on April 24, 2024, existing shops in the US without the checkout method On Facebook and Instagram enabled will no longer be supported. Learn more.
Reels with product tags let businesses and creators drive product discovery with entertaining, short-form content.
Businesses and creators who have set up their shop on Instagram can tag products when they create reels on Instagram.
People viewing a reel with product tags can tap View products to buy, save, or learn more about the tagged product.
Benefits of tagging products in Reels
  • Drive product discovery. Reels with product tags have the opportunity to be shown in the Reels tab, where they have the potential to be discovered by millions of people using the Instagram app. Your reels will also be visible in Feed (if you choose to share them there) and on your profile.
  • Collaborate with creators. Businesses and creators can tag products in reels to drive sales for merchandise or product collaborations. Your business and creator partners must be approved to use shops on Instagram.
  • Entertain, educate, and inspire. Reels are short, entertaining videos that can help you connect with both new and existing audiences. You can feature specific items, demonstrate how a product is used, or flex your creativity to inspire people to engage with your brand.
Note: Reels with product tags are not eligible to be featured, and previously featured Reels cannot be edited to include product tags.
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