Choose to see fewer ads about social issues, elections or politics on Instagram
This ad topic control is not available in every country.
If you’d like to see fewer ads about social issues, elections or politics while on Instagram, you can adjust your ad topic preferences.
Adjust your ad topic preferences:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap See more in Accounts Center, then tap Ad preferences.
  4. Tap Ad topics.
  5. Tap inside the search bar at the top of the page. A drop-down list of ad topics will appear, including Social Issues, Elections or Politics.
  6. Tap Social Issues, Elections or Politics and select See Less.
On the Ad topics page, you’ll now see this topic under Topics you see less of. You can change your preference at any time by selecting a topic and choosing No preference.
Note: Not everyone will be able to access this setting in Accounts Center at this time.
If these steps don't work for you, try updating your app or go to on your web browser.
Keep in mind:
  • This ad preference is available in countries where it is required to have authorization to run ads about social issues, elections or politics. Learn more about where this ad preference is available in our Business Help Center.
  • When ads about social issues, elections or politics appear on Instagram, they're required to include information about the organization or individual responsible for the ad. These types of ads can be identified on Instagram by the Paid for by disclaimer, followed by information about the organization or individual responsible for the ad. Learn more about what we consider to be ads about social issues, elections or politics.
  • If you choose to see fewer ads about social issues, elections or politics, you may still see these types of ads if they don’t have a Paid for by disclaimer. Learn more about how to report or hide ads about social issues, elections or politics that don’t have a disclaimer.
  • If you add accounts to the same Accounts Center (for example, your Facebook and Instagram accounts), we’ll adjust this setting to match across your accounts. For ad topics you’ve selected to See less of, we’ve applied that preference to all accounts in the same Accounts Center.
English (US)
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