Add approved product tagging creators on Instagram
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Businesses with shops on Instagram can add creators as approved accounts to tag your products by listing them as approved branded content partners.
How to add a creator as an approved account
To give a creator permission to tag your products:
  1. In the Instagram app, go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Tap Business.
  4. Tap Shopping.
  5. Tap Product tags.
  6. Tap Allow product tags from only your branded content partners to grant permission to your branded content partners only.
  7. Navigate back to Business.
  8. Tap Branded content.
  9. Tap Approve content creators and find the handle of the creator you’d like to add.
You've now added a creator to your approved accounts. Once a creator has been added as an approved account, they can tag products the same way as your Instagram account.
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