Something’s not working with the Instagram app
Note that as of May 2022, you may need to update your Instagram app as some older versions of the app are no longer supported.
If something's not working with the Instagram app for iOS or Android, we recommend updating your app to the latest version.
To make sure you have the most up-to-date version of the app:
For iPhone or iPad:
  1. Go to the App Store on your device.
  2. If there's a newer version of the Instagram app you don't have yet, it'll be listed there for you to download.
For Android:
  1. Go to the Google Play Store on your device.
  2. If there's a newer version of the Instagram app you don't have yet, it'll be listed there for you to download.
Keep in mind that you can always go to on the web from a mobile browser or computer.
If you're having trouble downloading the app, check your internet connectivity. For best results, connect to Wi-Fi before downloading.
Other issues:
If the above suggestions don't solve your issue, let us know.
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