Add pronouns to your Instagram profile
Please note that this feature isn't currently available to everyone.
Use pronouns in your profile
People use pronouns as a way to refer to someone without using their name. When you add pronouns to your Instagram profile, it allows people to know which pronouns to use when they communicate with you.
You can add up to four pronouns to your profile to help others refer to you. Pronouns you add will be displayed on your profile and won't be used to refer to you elsewhere on Instagram.
Add pronouns to your profile
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap Edit profile, then tap Pronouns.
  3. Enter your pronouns and select them from the results below. Note that you can remove any pronouns you've selected by tapping beside each pronoun chosen.
  4. Tap Done in the top right.
  5. Tap Done again to save your profile information.
If your pronouns don’t appear as an option, add them to your bio or let us know.
Control who sees your pronouns
You can choose to make the pronouns on your profile visible only to people who follow you on Instagram by turning on the Show to followers only setting. To control who can see your pronouns:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap Edit profile, then tap Pronouns.
  3. Tap switch off or switch on next to Show to followers only to turn this setting on or off.
  4. Tap Done in the top right.
  5. Tap Done again to save your settings.
The Show to followers only setting will be on by default for Instagram accounts belonging to people who are under 18 based on the birthday they add to their Instagram account.
If you experience harassment or bullying on Instagram, you can report abusive content. Keep in mind that your report is anonymous, except if you’re reporting an intellectual property infringement. The account you reported won’t see who reported them.
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