Turn off embed settings on Instagram
If your Instagram account is public, your content (example: post, reel, guide) or profile can be shared by third-party sources like blogs and articles using an embed code. You can turn off the Embeds settings without switching to a private account.
Turn Embeds on or off
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Below How others can interact with you, tap Sharing and remixes.
  4. Tap switch off next to Allow website embeds to turn the setting on. Tap switch on to turn it off.
If your content or profile is already embedded on a third-party website, it may take time for the embedded link to no longer be visible on that website. Switching your account from public to private will also turn off the Embeds setting.
Note that turning off the Embeds setting only prevents your content from being embedded on third-party websites. If your profile is public, others can still view and interact with your content in other ways.
English (US)
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