Edit or remove shopping tags from Instagram posts
You can edit or delete products that are tagged in image and video posts on Instagram. You can also delete the call-to-action buttons for promotions and collections that you've featured in posts on Instagram. Learn more about shopping tags on Instagram
Before you begin
  • Shopping tag availability: Shopping tags are available to qualified public Instagram accounts. You can control who you allow to tag your products in your Instagram settings. Learn how to manage how people use your product tags on their Instagram posts. Promotions and collections can only be featured by eligible sellers.
  • Partnering with a professional account: As a partner with a professional account, you're able to tag products if a business has approved your access to tag their products as an approved content creator.
  • Insights: When you remove a tag from a post, you lose any shopping insights related to that tag. If you remove a partner from your list of accounts approved for product tagging, you can still see insights about the photo or video unless the post is deleted or the product tag is removed. Insights from people that tag products, but are not designated as partners, are not available at this time.
  • Deleting products from your catalog: When you delete a product from your catalog, it removes the ability to tag that product or feature it in a collection or promotion on Instagram.
  • Switching catalogs: If you switch the catalog you’re using with your shop on Instagram, your existing product tags won't be moved, deleted, or changed. You can switch to the catalog you want in your Business settings.
Note: If you want to remove or edit the product sticker you've added to your story, you have to delete the story and re-upload.
Edit product tags or features from your post
To edit product tags or collection and promotional features:
  1. Go to the post that has the product tag or feature that you want to move.
  2. Tap more actions (Android) or more actions (iOS).
  3. Tap Edit.
  4. Tap Instagram Shop.
  5. Tap Tag products.
  6. Drag the tags from their current position to where you want.
  7. Tap (Android) or Done (iOS).
The product tag or feature in your post is updated.
Remove product tags or features from your post
To delete a product tag or collection and promotional feature:
  1. Go to the post with the product tag or feature that you want to delete.
  2. Tap more actions (Android) or more actions (iOS).
  3. Tap Edit.
  4. Tap Instagram Shop.
  5. Tap Tag products.
  6. Tap the tag or feature that you want to delete and then tap X above the tag.
    Note: To delete a collection or promotion feature, you can remove the call-to-action button from the post or remove the product tags on the post.
  7. Tap (Android) or Done (iOS).
Your product tag or feature is removed from the post.
Remove product tags from a partner's post
How to delete a shopping tag from a partner’s post:
  1. Go to the post with the product tag that you want to remove.
  2. Tap the product tag.
  3. Tap Remove tag from post.
Your shopping tag is removed from the post.
Remove product tags from someone's Instagram post
To remove product and brand tags from someone's Instagram post:
  1. Go to the post with the product tag or feature that you want to delete.
  2. Tap more actions (Android) or more actions (iOS).
  3. Tap Post options.
  4. Tap Remove me from post to delete the brand tag or Remove all tags from post to also delete the product tags.
Your product tag is removed from the post.
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