Create and share invite links to a group chat on Instagram
This feature isn’t available to everyone.
Anyone in a group chat can share a link with others to join their conversation on Instagram. Keep in mind that the chat admin needs to create an invite link to get started.
Create an invite link
As a group chat admin, you can allow others to join your conversation with an invite link.
To turn invite links on or off:
  1. Tap send or messenger in the top right of Feed.
  2. Tap the conversation, then tap the group name at the top of the chat.
  3. Tap Invite link.
  4. Tap switch off or tap switch on beside Invite link to turn the link on or off.
Once the invite link is turned on, any person in the group can share the link with others to join the chat.
The chat admin can also choose to reset the invite link at any time. If the chat admin changes, the invite link is also reset.
Share an invite link
To share an invite link to a group chat:
  1. Tap send or messenger in the top right of Feed.
  2. Tap a conversation from your Chats list, then tap the group name at the top.
  3. Tap Invite link. From here you can:
    • Tap Copy to copy the link and share it with anyone.
    • Tap Send in Instagram to share the invite link with a specific person or group of people.
Please note that only up to 250 people can join the chat with the same link each day.
When a chat admin turns off an invite link, the link will no longer work and cannot be shared with others. If the invite link is reset, the old link can no longer be used to join the group chat.
Learn what people see when you add them to an existing group conversation.
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