Troubleshoot product and collection approvals for shops on Instagram
These instructions are for accounts that have already been approved for shopping but are experiencing issues adding certain items to their profile or shop. For accounts that have not been approved for shopping, please review our business approval requirements.
If we become aware of any possible violations to our commerce policies, we may delay or take down your item(s) or collection(s). Usually, the review process only takes a few seconds, but sometimes we may need to review the item in more detail, which could take longer.
If items in your posts or shop are pending: It's likely that your item goes against our broad-level policy. Review the item(s) in your catalog or collection(s) in Commerce Manager to make sure it complies with our commerce policies. If you believe an item in your catalog was incorrectly rejected, you can request a second review.
If items in your posts, shop or collection are not approved: It's likely that your item goes against our broad-level policy. Review the item(s) in your catalog or collection(s) in Commerce Manager to make sure it complies with our commerce policies. If you believe an item in your catalog was incorrectly rejected, you can request a second review.
If your collection is pending: Your collection is currently being reviewed. You’ll be able to see the collection, but it will not be visible to buyers who view your shop. You’ll only be able to use the swipe up feature for an approved collection.
If your collection is not approved: We review the items in your collection but we also review the title, description and hero image you’ve selected. You can edit these details in Commerce Manager.
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