Join a broadcast channel on Instagram
This feature is only available in the Instagram app for Android and iPhone.
When you join a broadcast channel, you can read and react to messages and vote in polls that are sent by creators or collaborators. If a creator you follow starts a broadcast channel and sends the first message, you will receive a notification.
To join a broadcast channel, tap the notification and then tap Join broadcast channel. Once you join a broadcast channel, you can view messages in your inbox.
You can invite others to join by sharing an invite link to the channel or by sharing a message from the channel to your story by tapping and holding a message in the channel, then tapping Share to story. Your story will include an image of the message. People that can view your story can tap the image of the message to find and join the broadcast channel.
Become a collaborator
Admins of broadcast channels can also invite you to become a collaborator of the channel. Note that whether you accept or decline the invite, the channel admin will receive a notification.
If you accept the invitation to become a collaborator, the channel will be added to your inbox and like the channel admin, you’ll be able to send messages to members of the broadcast channel. Keep in mind that messages you send in a broadcast channel are discoverable by anyone on Instagram, even if your account is private.
You can stop being a channel collaborator at any time by tapping the channel name at the top, then tapping People to manage your collaborator status.
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