Verify your professional account on Instagram
Meta Verified for businesses is a paid subscription service. Learn more and sign your business up for Meta Verified.
Right now, only some public figures, celebrities and brands have verified badges. You can request a verification badge with the steps below. However, submitting a request does not guarantee that your account will be verified.
  1. Go to your profile and tap in the upper right corner.
  2. Select Business tools and controls or Creator tools and controls depending on your profile type.
  3. Tap Request verification.
  4. After you've filled out the form, tap Submit we will review your request.
If your account does not have a verified badge, there are other ways to show people that you're authentic. To demonstrate authenticity on your professional account, you can:
  • Write description in your Instagram profile bio to tell potential customers more about your business.
  • Use Stories to provide a behind the scenes look at your business.
  • Encourage customers to tag your business so people can see posts from customers using your product or service.
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