View your account’s recent login activity
You can view a list of devices that have recently logged into your Instagram account at any time. If you don’t recognize a recent login, you can log out of that location or device and let us know that the login wasn’t you.
View your recent login activity
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Tap Accounts Center, then tap Password and security.
  4. Tap Where you're logged in to view your recent login activity for accounts in this Accounts Center.
  5. To log out of devices you're currently logged into, tap on one of your accounts, then scroll down and tap Select devices to log out.
  6. Select the devices you'd like to log out, then tap Log out.
Note: Not everyone will be able to access this setting in Accounts Center at this time.
If these steps don't work for you, try this:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Tap Security, then tap Login Activity.
  4. If you recognize the login, tap This Was Me, then tap Confirm. If you don’t recognize the location or device listed, tap This Wasn’t Me and follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password and secure your account. Note: You may not see these options if there hasn’t been a login to your account from a device or web browser we don’t recognize. Instead, follow the below step to log out of any devices listed.
  5. To log out of devices you’re currently logged into, tap more actions to the right of the login, then tap Log out.
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