Archive stories on Instagram
Stories you create and share on Instagram are saved to your Stories Archive. You can turn off Stories Archive at any time in Settings.
To turn Stories Archive on or off:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Below How you use Instagram, tap Your activity.
  4. Tap more actions in the top right, then tap Settings.
  5. Tap switch on next to Save story to archive.
Note: Only you can see the stories saved in your archive after they disappear from your story. If you delete a photo or video from your story before it disappears, it won't be saved to your archive.

How stories appear in your Stories Archive

To be able to continue saving stories in Stories Archive and help Instagram keep up with storage needs, some stories may be changed when they are saved to your archive. These changes can mean muting music or freezing videos or gifs. For example, if a story in your Stories Archive uses the music sticker, the story will still appear in your archive, but the sticker won’t play music.
These changes are permanent and may affect stories that:
  • Are of a photo and use the music or gif stickers
  • Reshare a video or reel originally shared to Feed or Reels. Links to the original content will continue to work.
If you reshare stories from your Stories Archive, they won’t include anything that was removed.
This change won’t affect stories that:
  • Contain or reshare original videos that have not been shared to Feed or Reels
  • Contained animated text added when editing your story
  • You’ve added to your profile as Story Highlights
  • Are shared within the last 60 days

Save stories from your Stories Archive

  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Below How you use Instagram, tap Your activity.
  4. Tap Archived.
  5. Select the story you want to download, then tap more actions in the bottom right.
  6. Tap Save photo or Save video.
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