What can I do if I see an ad I don't like on Instagram?
If you see an ad you don’t like on Instagram, there are a few things you can do to remove the ad from your feed or stories, and to help influence the ads you see.
Hide an ad
To hide an ad you don't like:
Instagram app for Android
  1. Tap in the top right of the sponsored post.
  2. Tap Hide ad.
  3. Below Why are you hiding this ad?, you can select from a list of options why you don’t like the ad. This will help us better guide your ad experience on Instagram.
Instagram app for iPhone
  1. Tap in the top right of the sponsored post.
  2. Tap Hide ad.
  3. Below Why are you hiding this ad?, you can select from a list of options why you don’t like the ad. This will help us better guide your ad experience on Instagram.
Please note, when you hide an ad on Instagram, we’ll hide that specific ad from you.
Report an ad
To report an ad that you think is inappropriate or misleading:
Instagram app for Android
  1. Tap in the top right of the sponsored post.
  2. Tap Report ad.
  3. Below Why are you reporting this ad?, select an appropriate option to let us know why you’re reporting this ad.
Instagram app for iPhone
  1. Tap in the top right of the sponsored post.
  2. Tap Report ad.
  3. Below Why are you reporting this ad?, select an appropriate option to let us know why you’re reporting this ad.
Similar to our Community Guidelines, we have Ad Policies that outline which ads are and aren't allowed on Instagram. When you report an ad, it goes through our ad review system. The review process uses automated tools, and in some cases manual review, to check ads against our Ad Policies. When we confirm a violation of our policies, we'll remove the ad.
Adjust how your Activity information from ad partners can be used to personalize ads on Instagram
This setting controls whether we can show you relevant ads on Instagram based on your activity information from ad partners. If you turn off this setting, the ads you see may still be based on your activity on our platform. They may also be based on information from a specific business that has shared a list of individuals or devices with us, if we've matched your profile to information on that list. Learn how to manage your activity information from ad partners.
The choice you make in your activity information from ad partners setting will apply to all of your accounts in the same Accounts Center.
Note: You may have different ad experiences across your accounts if they aren’t added to the same Accounts Center.
Learn more about settings you can manage across your accounts in Accounts Center.
We adhere to the Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and participate in the opt-out programs established by the Digital Advertising Alliance, the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada and the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance. You can opt out from all participating companies through these sites.
Adjust your ad topic preferences on Instagram
You can choose to see fewer ads on Instagram related to certain topics through your Instagram ad topic preferences. Keep in mind, your ad topic preference selections will apply across your Facebook and Instagram accounts if you have linked them. If you have not linked your accounts, learn how to update your ad topic settings, you can learn how to update your ad topic settings for the ads you see on Facebook and on other Meta Company Products.
Adjust other ad preference settings
Your Facebook ad preferences include settings that can apply to your ads experience on Instagram. These settings adjust how we use information about your activity on Meta Company Products to show you ads that we think will be most relevant for you.
Adjusting either your Facebook ad preferences or your device settings won’t delete any of your Facebook or Instagram data or change the total number of ads you see on Instagram.
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