Create or edit your avatar on Instagram
You can create and customize your avatar through the Instagram app for Android and iPhone. If you sync your Facebook and Instagram profiles, you can use the same avatar on Instagram and Facebook.
Instagram app for Android and iPhone
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap Edit Profile at the top, then tap Create avatar.
  3. Tap Get started choose your avatar's skin tone.
  4. Personalize your avatar with hairstyles, outfits and more.
    • Note that you can tap mirror to see yourself on camera while you create your avatar.
  5. Tap Done and Save changes to save and create your avatar.
After you create your avatar, you will have personalized stickers of your avatar to share with your friends in a direct message or add to your stories.
You can edit your avatar from your profile at any time by tapping Edit Profile, then tapping Edit avatar.
You can delete your avatar in the avatar editor by tapping delete avatar, then tapping Delete. This action is permanent and cannot be reversed.
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