Pre-order an item from a shop on Instagram
Pre-orders are currently available for certain items as determined by a shop that can be purchased with checkout on Instagram. Only shops in the US offer pre-orders at this time.
You can pre-order certain items from shops before they’re available for purchase. The item will ship to you at a future date specified by the shop. Your payment method won’t be charged until the shop marks the item as shipped.
Keep in mind that you can only pre-order products that show on the product page, which means that the product can be purchased using checkout on Instagram.
Learn more about accepted payment methods on Instagram and how to update your payment method.
Pre-order something on Instagram
Instagram app for Android and iPhone:
  1. Go to the shop you want to browse, then tap View shop.
  2. Tap a product that shows below the product image. Tapping the product will take you to the product page.
  3. On the product page, you’ll see the date the product is expected to ship. You’ll also see the option to pre-order. When you’re ready, tap Pre-order.
  4. Enter or confirm your shipping, contact and payment information. Learn how to update your shipping address.
  5. Check the total purchase amount, including taxes and shipping.
  6. When you’re ready, tap Submit order to make your purchase and confirm the payment.
When will I be charged for an item I pre-ordered on Instagram?
When you pre-order an item on Instagram, we’ll conduct an initial authorization hold of $1.00 USD to validate your payment method. This hold will be reversed immediately.
In addition to the initial hold, we’ll conduct an authorization hold for the total purchase amount 2 weeks prior to shipment to ensure your payment method is still valid. If you placed your order less than 2 weeks before the shipping date, we’ll conduct the hold upon your order.
Your payment will be processed when the shop marks the item as shipped. You’ll receive an email and a notification in the app when your item is marked as shipped. This will also be reflected in your Order status.
To view your Order status:
Instagram app for Android and iPhone:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Tap Orders and payments, then select an order.
  4. Tap an item to view Order status.
Please make sure the payment method you selected at checkout is still valid. You can update your payment method at any time before your payment is processed.
Keep in mind that if we’re unable to process your payment, your order may be canceled.
Can I pre-order more than one item at a time?
Multiple items must be pre-ordered separately. Additionally, pre-orders must be purchased separately from items already in your Cart.
How do I know when an item I pre-ordered will ship?
When you pre-order something on Instagram, you’ll see an estimated shipping date on the product page, at checkout and in your Order status. Estimated shipping dates will also be shown in the shop.
Additionally, you’ll see the item’s estimated delivery date on the product page and at checkout.
If the status of your order has changed, we’ll send you notifications through email and the app. Learn how to track your order.
Is there Purchase Protection?
Many products available for purchase on Instagram are covered under our Purchase Protection Policy. Please be aware that only eligible purchases on Instagram and Facebook are protected by our Purchase Protection Policy.
Learn more about how Purchase Protection works for purchases made on Instagram and how to return something you pre-ordered on Instagram.
Who do I contact if I have questions or issues with my order?
If you have an issue with something you ordered, you can contact the shop or Instagram for help.
Learn how to cancel a pre-order on Instagram.
English (US)
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