Learn more about counterfeit goods
The sale or promotion of counterfeit goods is not allowed on Instagram.
What is a counterfeit good?
A counterfeit good is a fake or replica version of another company’s product that copies the trademark (name or logo) and/or distinctive features to imitate a genuine product.
The manufacture, promotion or sale of a counterfeit good is a type of trademark infringement that is illegal in most countries because it's harmful to consumers, trademark owners and honest sellers.
Why is my account disabled?
Your account may be disabled if we believe you were selling or promoting counterfeit goods.
Please note that once an account is disabled, you will no longer be able to log into it and others will not be able to view it. If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, please fill out this form.
To learn more about how to respect Intellectual Property, please read the Instagram Help Center article.
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