What happens when you block someone on Instagram
Please update your Instagram app to the latest version to have the most up-to-date experience for blocking.
When you block someone from the Instagram app, you’ll have the option to block their account, or to block their account and other existing accounts they may have or accounts they may create. Note: If you’re following multiple accounts owned by the same person, you’ll need to block each account individually. People aren't notified when you block them.
Likes and comments
  • After you block someone, their likes and comments will be removed from your photos and videos. Unblocking someone won't restore their previous likes and comments.
  • People that you block can still see your likes and comments on posts that were shared by public accounts or accounts they follow.
Mentions and tags
  • After you block someone, they won't be able to mention your username or tag you.
  • If you block someone and then change your username, they won't be able to mention or tag you unless they know your new username.
  • After you block someone, your messaging threads with them will remain in your Direct inbox, but you won't be able to message them.
  • If you're in a group chat with someone you've blocked, you'll get a dialog asking whether you want to stay in the group or leave. If you choose to stay in the group, you and the blocked person will be able to see each other’s messages in the group.
  • If the person you blocked sends you any messages in Direct, you won't receive those messages, and they won't be delivered later if you unblock them.
  • After you block someone, they won't be able to join a room you create if they're logged in to their Instagram account.
  • If the person you blocked has multiple Instagram or Facebook accounts, you may need to block each account.
  • If you have a Facebook account that isn’t set up in Accounts Center, the account you blocked will still be able to message or call your Facebook account, unless you also block them on Facebook.
If you don't want to block someone, you can remove them as a follower, restrict them, or block them from commenting on your photos and videos.
If you no longer want to block someone, you can unblock them.
English (US)
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