Temporarily limit someone from commenting on my posts
If you feel like you’re being harassed, you can temporarily limit unwanted comments and messages from groups of accounts. These are accounts that have either started following you in the last week or that don’t follow you but may be spam, fake, or created to harass you.
You can limit people for up to four weeks at a time, but can extend the time for as long as you’d like.
Keep in mind that when Limits are on and you’ve selected Recent Followers, anyone who follows you during that time will automatically be limited unless you follow them back.
If you turn on Limits:
  • Accounts you chose to limit can still comment on your posts but their comments will be hidden unless you approve them.
  • Any messages these accounts send to you will also be hidden.
  • You can choose to ignore or review these comments and messages. Learn more about how to view limited comments and messages.
  • Comments made during the time that Limits is on will remain hidden once the time you set has ended.
  • Once the time you set has ended, people in these groups will be able to comment on your posts unless you restrict or block them. Keep in mind that you can always extend the time you’ve set.
You can also restrict, block or hide comments from individual accounts or filter out comments that contain specific words, phrases, numbers or emojis.
To turn Limits on or off in the Instagram app for Android and iPhone:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Below How others can interact with you, tap Limited interactions. Tap Continue at the bottom.
  4. Accounts that aren’t following you and Recent followers are automatically on, if you don’t want to limit one of these types of accounts, tap switch on to turn it off.
  5. Tap to the right of Limit for and scroll to the number of days or weeks that you’d like to limit comments and messages, then tap Set Reminder. Tap Turn On to confirm.
  6. To turn off Limits before the time you’ve set, tap Turn Off at the bottom.
To edit Limits on the Instagram app for Android and iPhone:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Below How others can interact with you, tap Limited interactions. Tap Continue at the bottom.
  4. Tap to the right of Limit for and scroll to the number of days or weeks that you’d like to continue to limit comments and messages. Tap Set Reminder to confirm.
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