How do I view an account's active ads on Instagram?
To learn more about the active ads an account is running:
  1. Go to their Profile.
  2. Tap the .
  3. Select About This Account.
  4. Under Active Ads you can view the account’s active ads in the Meta Ad Library, where you can see all the ads an account is running across Meta products.
In addition to viewing the active ads on that account, you will also be able to see the following:
  • Date Joined: This is the date the account was created. This helps people understand how long the account has been on Instagram.
  • Country: This is the country location based on the account's activity. This helps people understand if the account is accurately representing their location on Instagram.
  • Former Usernames: This includes changes made to the account's username, and helps people identify whether the account is authentic or misleading.
  • Accounts With Shared Followers: People will be able to see other public accounts that have the most followers in common with the account they're viewing. This helps people identify accounts with similar interests.
The Meta Ad Library shows all active ads, but promotions that are no longer active, paused, or cancelled won’t be shown in the Meta Ad Library. You must be logged in to view About the Account information, but anyone can see the Meta Ad Library.
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