Instagram is telling me my account is at risk
When we notice that your password is weak or may have been exposed or compromised by outside sources, we ask you to change your password to help keep others from accessing your Instagram account. We never store a copy of your password.
The risk that your account may have been compromised by outside sources can happen when you use the same password on another website or app, and that source outside of Instagram experiences a data breach. It can also happen when your Instagram account is synced with an unauthorized third-party app.
Keep in mind that once you update your password, you’ll be logged out of all other devices. This means that if anyone is logged into your account, they’ll no longer have access.
When you create a new password, keep in mind:
  • Your password should be easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.
  • Do not use your email address, phone number, birthday, or anything that someone could easily figure out as your password.
  • Your Instagram password should be different from the passwords you use to log into other accounts, like your email or bank account.
  • Longer passwords are usually more secure. Your password must be at least six characters, but we recommend at least eight for higher security.
  • Use a combination of numbers, letters and special characters (like !$@%), and try to avoid repetition.
Learn more about other things you can do to keep your account safe, like turning on two-factor authentication and removing third-party apps you don’t recognize.
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