Why your Instagram feed is only showing a limited number of posts
There aren't any photos in my feed
Your feed shows recent photos uploaded by you and the people you follow. If there aren't any photos in your Instagram feed when you tap , it's possible that you either aren't following anyone on Instagram or the people you're currently following haven't added any new posts since you last checked.
If you are following people on Instagram but don't see any of their new posts in your feed, try these troubleshooting steps to help solve the problem.
Keep in mind that if you are having issues in general with your account, you may need to confirm your phone number and email address in account settings are correct.
I only see a limited number of photos in my feed
Some of the photos you saw in your feed when you first signed up for Instagram are no longer shown here because they have been replaced by newer posts. You can visit a person’s Instagram profile to see older photos and videos they’ve shared.
If you'd like to view more posts shared on Instagram by an account, you can go to their profile by tapping their username.
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