How do I appeal the removal of content on Instagram for copyright reasons?
If your content was removed because of a copyright report, you can submit an appeal or a DMCA counter-notification. You received instructions in the message we sent you.
  • If we have informed you that content you posted was removed under the notice and counter-notice procedures of the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), you may be able to file a DMCA counter-notification. Learn more about DCMA counter-notifications.
  • If your content was removed because of a copyright report submitted outside the DMCA procedures, you can submit an appeal. Instructions about how to submit an appeal are included in the message we have sent you. If your account has been disabled or you’re otherwise unable to access the instructions, you can submit an appeal through this form.
  • Once we are in receipt of a valid and adequately substantiated appeal, we will review it expeditiously. Appeals can often be resolved quickly when our requests for further information are responded to promptly, where the content in question is not infringing and does not violate our Terms of Service or Community Standards, or where the initial report was a mistake. Appeal decisions can take longer in circumstances where additional review or analysis by our teams is required.
  • If you are uncertain whether you should file an appeal or a DMCA counter-notification, you may want to seek legal advice. Please note that if your content was removed for reasons unrelated to a copyright report, you may not receive a response from us.
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