Edit or add your birthday to your Instagram account
There's a limit to how many times you can change your birthday. If you've recently changed it, you may have to wait before you can edit it again.
If you’ve added your Facebook account to the same Accounts Center as your Instagram account and you want to update your birthday, you can edit it on Facebook to change it on Instagram. If you haven’t connected your Facebook account, you can add or edit your birthday directly on your Instagram profile.
To add or edit your birthday in Accounts Center:
Instagram app for iPhone:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Tap Accounts Center, then tap Personal details.
  4. Tap Birthday, then tap Edit to change your birthday information.
Instagram app for Android:
  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right.
  3. Tap Accounts Center, then tap Personal details.
  4. Tap Date of birth, then tap Edit to change your birthday information.
Instagram.com on your mobile browser:
  1. Tap your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap settings at the top.
  3. Tap Accounts Center, then tap Personal details.
  4. Tap Date of birth, then tap Edit to change your birthday information.
Instagram on your computer
  1. Click menuMore in the bottom left, then click Settingssettings.
  2. Click Accounts Center, then click Personal details.
  3. Click Birthday, then click Edit to change your birthday information.
Note: Not everyone will be able to access this setting in Accounts Center at this time.
If the steps above don't work for you, try updating your birthday through Edit profile from your profile.
Birthdays need to match across all accounts in an Accounts Center. If you add a new account that has a different birthday than your other accounts in the same Accounts Center, we may ask you to select your accurate birthday before your new account can be added. When you add your accounts to an Accounts Center, you may be asked to verify your age if you try to access certain experiences and features across Meta, like Facebook Dating. Learn more about settings you can manage in Accounts Center.
Note: Once you add your birthday to your profile, it can’t be removed. Also, your birthday won’t be shared with other people on Instagram.
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