Access exclusive Subscription content on Instagram
This feature may not be available to you yet.
If you’re already subscribed to a creator, their subscriber-only content will be visible in your feed. You can visit the creator’s profile and access content in the exclusive content tab, or view only content from creators you subscribe to in your exclusive content feed.
If you’re not yet a subscriber, you may see a crown icon and the option to subscribe to that creator.
You can access your Subscriptions feed by going to the Instagram home page and selecting Subscriptions from the dropdown menu. This feed will show content from the last 30 days, so you can access the most recent exclusive posts and reels from creators you subscribe to.
Note: Subscriber stories will appear with a purple ring around them and will be visible for 24 hours, unless they are saved as a highlight on the creator’s profile.
How to view Subscriptions content in the exclusive content tab
To view exclusive, subscriber-only content in the exclusive content tab:
  1. On the Instagram app, go to the creator's Instagram profile.
  2. Tap the Subscriptions tab with the crown icon.
  3. Scroll through to see exclusive content for subscribers.
How to view Subscriptions content in your feed
To view exclusive, subscriber-only in your feed:
  1. On the Instagram app, tap the Instagram Home icon.
  2. Select Subscriptions from the dropdown menu.
  3. Scroll through to see exclusive content for subscribers.
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